
Left alone or in collaboration, Barry has effortlessly given me what I was looking for. - Geoff Sumich, Architect

Album Art

While most people may not buy an album for its cover, a great cover will give them an excuse to pick up the case and roll it over in their hands. A compelling cover not only draws attention to the packaging, but also mirrors the mood and theme of the music inside.


The best symbols are simple. They work with or without color. I start with a concept that works as a black and white image. An image that will stand out in all the flash and noise.You can always add color and texture later to a clean logo, but it's hard to simplify a logo that relies on flashy graphics to convey the image.


I understand the constraints of designing for clothing applications. I also understand the importance of integrated design. In my work for the Warrior's Society Mountain Bike Club, for instance, I carried the Native American motif into their T-shirts and jerseys in a way that blends design with function.


They say you can't tell a book by it's cover, but you only get one chance for a first impression. A well-designed cover just might cause someone to pick it up and take a peek inside.