Barry Wood's NAMM Oddities 2024 Edition

Packrat Barry


Change of Direction

This reminds me of the North Drums that were manufactured all the way back in the late 20th century.

I Just Can't Cymbal Today

Alternative titles could have been a joke about being limp or about how hot it was.

Getting There

There are very portable drum-like devices that can be hit and there are drum kits meant to be more portable. The former are easy to transport and the latter actually sound like drums. This is one of the latter. I like the integrated internal beater.

The Psychodelic 70s?

To celebrate their 50th anniversary, Tama has created some psychodelic kick pedals. I've got to think that these will be popular with the YouTube drum video crowd for the kick cam.

Modernization Theory

Normally gongs all look like they were just liberated from some remote monastery where they've been since the twelfth century. These electroplated gongs have a more modern look.

Flatpack Cajon

All the pieces of this cajon system pack up together for easy transport.

Volkan's First Day on the Job

Why wait for the new apprentice to actually learn their trade? Let him have at it and see if they sell.

Upscale Vintage

They may look kind of like thrift store finds but the cost (and quality) tell you different.

Fashion Accessory

You'd have wear these kicks if you had these cymbals in your kit.

Language Rampage

These may have been "design" in Europe but they certainly didn't employ anyone with the tiniest bit of English skills. There's no website for MES Drums, they are just available through Alibaba which puts even more distance between these drums and Europe.

Take The Ring Off Of It

Drops are a new product intended to reduce excessive ringing in drums. Unlike gels (or the venerable wallet) these will not dampen the attack.

Next Up: Instruments

©2024 Barry Wood
